New York Times NYT Letter Boxed Answers and Solution for July 19, 2023

This is today’s NYT Letter Boxed perfect solution. While today’s puzzle had 2020 different words, you really want to find the two to help you solve the Letter Boxed in two! You can learn the New York Times’ preferred answers by watching the video below, or scrolling just past to see the answers and learn more about this puzzle’s solution. In addition, scroll below to find the other two-word solutions the New York Times won’t tell you about! Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Did you figure it out yet? Well, the answers you were looking for in order to solve the puzzle with just two words are CYBERNETICS and SOFA

The sides for today’s New York Times Letter Boxed are YTS, BNA, COR, and EIF.

CYBERNETICS is defined as (biology) the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems).

SOFA is defined as an upholstered seat for more than one person.

For the latest information about the New York Times Letter Boxed game, including tips and strategies, please check Today’s NYT Letter Boxed every day.

In addition, the puzzle actually had 35 additional solutions to do it in just two words. Below is a listing of the other ways to solve the puzzle with just two answers.


The following are the 14-letter words.

fraternisation – sericitisation

The following are the 13-letter words.

carbonisation – cicatrisation – incinerations – intersections – satirisations – satisfactions – sensitisation – acetoacetates – retractations

The following are the 12-letter words.

arbitrations – brainteasers – cerebrations – entertainers – fraternisers – incensations – incineration – inebriations – interactions – intersection – itinerations – reascensions – satirisation – satisfaction – aeternitatis – acetoacetate – internecions – isotretinoin – neotectonics – nictitations – notarisation – retractation

The following are the 11-letter words.

arbitration – brainteaser – cerebration – cybernetics – entertainer – fasciations – fraternises – fraterniser – incensation – incinerates – incitations – inebriation – infractions – initiations – interaction – internecine – itineration – reascension – recitations – retractions – sensitisers – sonications – trisections – tritiations – bitartrates – casebearers – centrations – internecion – internonces – neotectonic – nictitation – oscitations – recarbonise – resensitise

The following are the 10-letter words.

arbitrates – ascariasis – ascensions – ascertains – berberises – bisections – bracteates – braincases – carbonises – cerebrates – cicatrices – cicatrises – cinerarias – cybernetic – entertains – fasciation – fraternise – incinerate – incitation – inebriates – infraction – infrasonic – initiation – intensions – intentions – interfaces – intinction – ionisation – iterations – itinerates – nectarines – nictitates – nitrations – obtentions – recensions – recitation – resections – reticences – retraction – satiations – senescence – sensations – sensitises – sensitiser – seriations – sonication – tensioners – tibiotarsi – titrations – tractrices – triacetate – trisection – tritiation – bitartrate – acescences – acetations – afternoses – carbonites – casebearer – centration – faciations – factioners – fairations – internonce – neotesites – nitratines – notariates – oscitation – raciations – renitences – rerebraces – retentates – retinoates – retreaters – sciaterics

The following are the 9-letter words.

actioners – aerations – arbitrary – arbitrate – arteritis – ascension – ascertain – ataractic – bentonite – berberine – betrayers – bisection – bracteate – braincase – brainfart – brainiacs – caracaras – carbonise – carnotite – caseation – catatonia – catatonic – cenobites – cenobitic – ceratites – cerebrate – cicatrice – cicatrise – cicisbeos – cineraria – citations – enteritis – entertain – erections – esoterica – etceteras – eternises – fractions – incentres – incenters – incisions – inebriate – initiates – insatiate – insectary – insensate – inserters – insertion – insincere – intension – intention – interface – intersect – intricacy – intricate – intrinsic – isotactic – iteration – itineracy – itinerary – itinerate – nectarine – neoterics – nictitate – nictation – nitration – nonsenses – notarises – notations – notecases – obtainers – obtention – reactions – reasoners – recension – rectrices – resection – retainers – retention – reticence – retinitis – satiation – satinises – satirises – seafarers – senescent – sensation – sensitise – sentences – seriation – sericitic – sinfonias – softeners – sonicates – tartrates – tectonics – tectrices – tensioner – titration – tractates – treatises – tretinoin – yeasayers – acariasis – acariases – acescence – acescency – acetation – actinotes – actionise – aetiteses – afterbeat – afternose – arteritic – carbonite – centonise – citrinins – faciation – factioner – factrices – fairation – foetation – nectosacs – neotenise – neotesite – neritines – nitratine – nitratite – notariate – obertases – oiticicas – onofrites – raciation – rebetises – recarbons – recentres – recisions – recitates – renitence – reobtains – rerebrace – resenters – resinites – resinosis – resinoses – resoftens – retentate – reticency – retinenes – retinites – retinoate – retraites – retreater – serictery

The following are the 8-letter words.

acarines – acentric – acetates – actioner – aeration – airfares – aracaris – arbiters – ascetics – benisons – berberis – beriberi – betaines – betrayer – biotites – bitrates – boniatos – brainiac – caecitis – caracara – carbenes – carbines – carbonic – carfares – carnitas – cascaras – casernes – cataract – caterers – cationic – cenobite – ceratite – cicisbeo – cinerary – citation – citrates – ebonises – ententes – enticers – entracte – entrains – erection – esoteric – etcetera – eternise – facetiae – factions – fascines – foyaites – fracases – fraction – frenetic – friction – icterine – incenses – incentre – incenter – incision – inciters – initiate – inserter – intarsia – intenser – interact – internes – intoners – ionisers – isotonic – iterates – neotenic – neoteric – nictates – nitrates – nitrites – nointers – noninert – nonsense – notarise – notation – notecase – notitias – obtainer – ratraces – reaction – reasoner – reciters – retainer – reticent – retinoic – retirers – retraces – retrains – sainfoin – sarsenet – satiates – satinise – satirise – sciatica – seafarer – sections – senecios – senesces – sentence – seriates – sericite – sincerer – sinfonia – softener – sonicate – tartaric – tartines – tartrate – tectonic – tenoners – tensions – teosinte – tertiary – titrates – tontines – tractate – traction – trainers – trainset – treasons – treaters – treatise – trecento – tritones – yearners – catbriar – fasciate – nonionic – racecars – taenites – yeasayer – acescent – acetonic – actinias – actinins – actinons – actinote – artinite – biotitic – boations – botryose – caseases – caseates – centners – citoyens – citrenes – citrinin – cyberart – eyebones – factices – nebrises – nectosac – neotenes – neotenin – neritine – niaisery – niobites – nitrenes – noesises – notaires – noticers – nyatitis – oiticica – onofrite – oscinine – rearises – rearisen – reascent – rebeaten – reboises – rebraces – rebribes – recarbon – recenses – recentre – recision – recitate – renitent – reobtain – resenter – resiners – resinite – resoften – retinene – retinite – retiracy – retraite – ricinine – scenters – sericins

The following are the 7-letter words.

acacias – acarine – acerbic – acetate – acetone – actinic – actions – aerates – airboat – airfare – aracari – arbiter – ariosos – arnicas – arsenic – ascaris – ascesis – ascetic – ascites – ascitic – asinine – atactic – atresia – bearers – beaters – benison – berates – betaine – betises – bionics – biotite – bitrate – boaters – boneset – boniato – bonitos – bonobos – bracers – braises – bribers – bribery – cecitis – carbene – carbine – carices – carfare – caritas – carnita – carters – cartons – cascara – caserne – caserns – casinos – casitas – catboat – caterer – cations – cenobia – cenotes – censers – centres – centers – centric – cerebra – ceresin – certain – ceteris – citrate – citrins – citrine – cerebri – earners – ebonite – ebonise – ebriose – encases – incases – entasis – entases – entente – enteric – entices – enticer – entires – entrain – entreat – erasers – eserine – faction – fainter – farters – fascias – fasciae – fascine – foyaite – fraises – fratboy – fraters – iceboat – icetray – icteric – incense – incises – incites – inciter – inertia – infosec – infract – inosine – insofar – intense – interns – interne – intones – intoner – ionises – ioniser – irenics – iterate – neatens – nectary – neonics – neoteny – nerines – nerites – neritic – nictate – nitrate – nitrite – nointer – notates – notices – notions – notitia – obeyers – obiters – obscene – obtains – oftener – oscines – racinos – rafters – raisers – raisins – raisiny – rarebit – ratatat – rations – ratites – ratrace – rearers – reasons – recency – recites – reciter – rentboy – renters – rerates – resites – retains – retires – retirer – retrace – retract – retrain – retreat – ribeyes – rinsers – rioters – safaris – sarsens – sasines – satiate – satinet – satires – satiric – satisfy – scarers – scenery – sciatic – seasons – sectary – section – senecio – senesce – sensate – serener – seriate – sertaos – sincere – sinters – soarers – soberer – sofrito – softens – tactics – taeniae – taenias – taratas – tartars – tartare – tartine – tearers – teasers – tenoner – tenrecs – tension – tensons – tenters – teretes – tinters – titrate – tontine – totaras – tracers – tracery – trainer – treason – treater – tricars – trioses – trisect – tritons – tritone – intacta – yearner – aetatis – caribes – racecar – taenite – acacine – acaters – acatery – acetins – acetoin – acetose – acinose – actines – actinia – actinin – actinon – aetites – aftosas – arnises – boation – bosonic – cafones – casease – caseate – centner – citates – citoyen – citrene – cybrary – cynebot – eyebone – factice – fascios – infobot – ionenes – ionones – neotene – niobite – nitrene – noisers – nonenes – nonoses – notaire – notatin – noticer – nyatiti – obentos – obertas – otarine – rainers – rasceta – ratines – rearise – rebetic – rebetis – rebites – reboise – rebrace – rebribe – recases – recense – resiner – resinic – retenes – retiary – ribeses – saeters – scenter – sericin – sonofas

The following are the 6-letter words.

initio – acacia – acaras – acetic – action – aerate – afaras – afters – airers – arecas – aretes – ariary – arioso – arisen – arises – arnica – arsine – artery – artics – ascent – atones – atonic – bearer – beaten – beater – bentos – berate – betise – betony – betray – biases – bicarb – noters – bionic – biotic – biotin – bisect – biters – boater – bobcat – boites – bonces – boners – bonito – bonobo – bonsai – bosons – botnet – boyars – braces – bracer – brains – brainy – braise – briars – briary – bribes – briber – brines – brises – bryony – byebye – cacaos – cairns – carbon – carboy – carers – carnet – carney – carses – carter – carton – casern – casino – casita – caters – cation – ceases – cenote – censes – censer – centas – centos – centra – centre – center – cerise – certes – citric – citrin – cynics – earner – easers – eaters – eatery – ecarte – encase – incase – enosis – enters – entice – entire – erases – eraser – ericas – cetera – facers – faeces – fairer – farter – fasces – fascis – fascia – facias – fatcat – fayres – foyers – fracas – fraise – frater – friars – friary – fritas – frites – fryers – iatric – iberis – ibises – incent – incise – incite – inions – insect – insert – intact – intent – inters – intern – intone – intray – ionise – irenic – irises – iritis – iritic – isatin – tenens – nearer – nearby – neater – neaten – nectar – neonic – nerine – nerite – niacin – nibses – niobic – nitric – noetic – noises – nonces – nonfat – notary – notate – notice – notion – oaters – obeyer – obiter – obtain – obtect – oncers – onions – oniony – onsens – onsite – oscars – oscine – otiose – otitis – cartes – racers – racino – rafter – raises – raiser – raisin – raison – ratios – ration – ratite – rearer – reason – rebecs – recent – recite – rectos – renter – rerate – reseat – resect – resent – resins – resite – retain – retire – ribeye – ribose – ricers – rinses – rinser – rioter – risers – safari – sarsen – sasins – sasine – satais – satiny – satire – sayers – scares – scarer – scarfs – scenes – scenic – scions – season – seniti – senses – sentry – seracs – serais – serene – serins – serine – sertao – setons – setose – sibias – sinter – sirens – sitars – soarer – sobers – softer – softas – soften – sonics – tactic – taenia – teniae – tenias – tarata – tarboy – tarses – tarter – tartar – tascas – tasers – taters – tayras – tearer – teases – teaser – teaset – tenons – tenrec – tenser – tenses – tenson – tenter – terais – terete – terser – tetras – tetris – tiaras – tibiae – tibias – tinter – tintos – titbit – titres – titers – tiyins – toners – tonics – totara – toters – toyboy – toyons – traces – tracer – trains – trente – triacs – tribes – tricar – trines – triose – triter – triton – yatras – yearns – yentas – yoyoes – caribe – nitery – treyfa – acacin – acater – acatry – acenes – acetin – acinic – actine – actons – aeonic – aetite – afaint – aftosa – arenes – bioses – botony – cafone – casers – citate – citers – ctenes – earsay – factis – fascio – fonios – ionene – ionone – nebris – nentas – neosia – niners – nitent – nitons – noesis – noiser – noices – noncey – nonene – nonics – nonoic – nonose – nosers – nyases – oarers – obento – oftens – osetrs – osones – otosis – otoses – rainer – raiyat – raters – ratine – rebeat – rebent – rebete – rebite – recart – recase – rentes – resiny – retene – retins – riatas – riones – riotry – saetas – saeter – sayons – sensis – serirs – sonica – sonofa – sonses – trainy

The following are the 5-letter words.

acara – acers – acerb – acini – actin – aeons – afara – afrit – after – aftos – airer – areas – areca – arete – arias – arise – arses – arsey – arsis – arson – artic – atone – atony – atria – bears – bento – beret – beset – betas – noire – bibis – frise – biris – noter – bines – biota – bison – bites – biter – bitey – boars – boers – boite – bonce – bones – boner – boart – bosey – boson – botos – boyar – boyfs – boyos – brace – bract – braes – brain – brent – briar – bribe – brine – briny – brise – byres – cacao – cacti – caeca – cairn – carat – carbs – cares – carer – caret – carny – carse – cases – cates – cater – cease – cense – cento – ceres – carne – cites – nerfs – cyber – cynic – facto – recti – earns – earnt – eases – easer – eaten – eater – eatin – ebony – enter – entre – entry – eosin – erase – erect – erica – ernes – eyras – eyres – eyrir – faces – facer – facet – facta – faery – faint – fairs – fairy – fares – facia – farse – fates – fayre – fones – foyer – freon – friar – frita – frite – frais – fryer – incas – inert – infra – inion – inset – inter – intis – ionic – iotas – irate – scene – nears – nenes – neons – netas – nicer – nines – ninon – nisin – nites – nitre – niter – noirs – noise – nonce – nones – nonet – nonis – noses – nosey – notes – oasis – oases – oaten – oater – obese – oboes – often – oncer – oners – onion – onsen – onset – ontic – seria – oscar – carte – races – racer – rains – rainy – raise – raita – rarer – rasas – ratas – rates – ratio – rayon – rases – react – reais – rears – rebec – recta – recto – renin – resat – reset – resin – resit – retia – retry – rices – ricer – ricin – rinse – risen – rises – riser – rites – saint – saris – sarin – sasin – satay – satai – sates – satis – satin – faire – sayer – scars – scare – scarf – scary – scent – scion – scire – sears – senes – sense – sensa – sente – serac – serai – seres – serfs – serin – setae – seton – sibia – sices – since – sines – sires – siren – sitar – sites – snibs – snobs – soars – sober – sofas – softa – sones – sonic – tacet – tacit – tenia – taint – tares – tarns – tarse – tarsi – tarte – tasca – taser – tases – tater – tayra – tears – teary – tease – tecta – tenet – tenon – tense – terai – teres – terns – terne – terse – tetra – tetri – tiara – tiare – tibia – tines – tinea – tinto – tires – titis – titre – titer – tiyin – tones – toner – tonic – tosas – totes – toter – toyon – trace – tract – train – trait – trayf – treat – triac – tribe – trice – trine – trios – trite – yarns – yatra – years – yearn – yenta – yeses – yetis – yonis – yoyos – ceric – senti – sofar – treyf – acene – actas – acton – afret – arene – arnis – arter – ayres – bions – biose – birse – boeti – botas – boyey – carby – caser – citer – ctene – ebene – etics – eyers – facey – fonio – icers – neato – nenta – ninta – neosa – netes – nicey – niner – niton – noias – noint – noncy – nonic – noser – nosir – oafos – oarer – osars – osetr – osone – otary – rince – rater – rebit – recit – recte – rente – retin – riata – reata – riato – ribes – ricey – rione – ryoti – saeta – sater – seter – sayas – sayon – sensi – sinsi – serir – sarir – sonse – sonce – titar – titir – titas – titin – yayas

The following are the 4-letter words.

acai – aces – acer – acne – aeon – eons – afar – afto – airs – airy – eyot – aiya – aiyo – arbs – ares – area – aria – arse – asci – atas – ates – fait – ayes – bear – beat – bens – bent – beta – bete – bias – bibs – bibi – bice – biri – bins – bine – bint – bios – bite – boas – boar – boat – bobs – boer – bone – bony – boto – boyf – boyo – bras – brae – brat – bray – brer – brio – bris – byes – byre – caca – ceca – cars – carb – care – carn – cart – case – cate – cent – cere – cert – ciao – cine – cire – cite – arte – etat – bois – ears – earn – ease – ebon – eras – erfs – erne – eses – etas – etic – eyas – eyes – eyra – eyre – face – fact – fain – fair – fare – fart – fate – fobs – foes – fone – fons – font – frae – frat – fray – fret – frit – soit – ibis – ices – inca – info – inti – into – toto – ions – iota – iris – sais – near – neat – nebs – nene – neon – nerf – neta – neti – nibs – nice – nine – nisi – nite – noes – nobs – noir – none – noni – nose – bene – note – nota – oafs – oars – obey – obis – obit – oboe – ofay – once – ones – oner – onto – onya – otic – oyer – oyes – bono – erat – race – racy – raft – rain – etre – rara – rare – rasa – rata – rate – rase – rear – recs – rent – rete – rias – ribs – rice – riot – rise – rite – ryes – ryot – sacs – sari – sate – sati – scar – scat – seas – sear – sere – seat – secs – sect – sent – sene – sera – serf – seta – sibs – sics – sice – sins – sine – sirs – sire – site – snib – snit – snob – snot – soar – sobs – sofa – soft – sons – sone – soya – tact – tars – tara – tare – tarn – tart – tase – tata – teas – tear – teat – tecs – tens – tent – tern – tete – tics – tins – tine – tint – tiny – tire – titi – toby – toes – toea – toey – toft – tons – tone – tony – tosa – tote – tray – tres – tret – trey – trio – tris – acto – yare – yarn – yeas – year – yebo – yens – yeti – yobs – yoni – yoyo – cion – acta – aery – aine – airt – ater – ayre – bion – boet – bota – eyer – icer – nete – nicy – noia – nonc – nyas – nyes – oafo – oboy – osar – osey – raen – rato – rati – raya – rais – rins – ryas – riyo – ryos – saya – tita – tite – yaya

The following are the 3-letter words.

ace – act – eon – aft – ais – air – ait – arb – are – arf – art – ate – aye – ben – bet – bey – bfs – bib – bin – bio – bis – bit – boa – bob – bon – bot – boy – bra – bye – car – cat – cay – cis – non – ear – eat – ens – era – ere – erf – ese – eta – eye – far – fat – fay – fob – foe – fry – ice – icy – ins – ion – ire – reo – rea – neb – net – nib – nit – noa – nob – not – oaf – oar – oat – obi – oer – oft – one – cit – rai – ras – rat – ray – rec – ret – res – ria – rib – rye – ses – sac – sae – sai – sat – say – sea – sec – sen – set – sib – sic – sin – sir – sis – sit – sos – sob – son – sot – soy – tae – tai – tar – tat – tea – tec – ten – tic – tin – tit – toe – ton – tns – tot – toy – tra – try – yas – yay – yea – yen – yer – yes – yet – yin – yob – yon – ois – tbs – boe – ent – fae – nis – noi – noy – nye – obo – ren – rin – rya – ryo – rio

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