New York Times NYT Letter Boxed Answers and Solution for April 8, 2024

This is today’s NYT Letter Boxed perfect solution. While today’s puzzle had 2017 different words, you really want to find the two to help you solve the Letter Boxed in two! You can learn the New York Times’ preferred answers by watching the video below, or scrolling just past to see the answers and learn more about this puzzle’s solution. In addition, scroll below to find the other two-word solutions the New York Times won’t tell you about! Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Did you figure it out yet? Well, the answers you were looking for in order to solve the puzzle with just two words are ICHTHYOSAUR and RAZE

The sides for today’s New York Times Letter Boxed are CRS, TUO, EYA, and HZI.

ICHTHYOSAUR is defined as any of several marine reptiles of the Mesozoic having a body like a porpoise with dorsal and tail fins and paddle-shaped limbs.

RAZE is defined as tear down so as to make flat with the ground.

For the latest information about the New York Times Letter Boxed game, including tips and strategies, please check Today’s NYT Letter Boxed every day.

In addition, the puzzle actually had 17 additional solutions to do it in just two words. Below is a listing of the other ways to solve the puzzle with just two answers.


The following are the 14-letter words.

characteristic – osteoarthritis – osteoarthritic – orthoceratites – osteoarthrosis – osteoarthroses

The following are the 13-letter words.

characterises – ichthyosaurus – characterists – characteriser – orthoceratite

The following are the 12-letter words.

catachrestic – catheterises – characterise – erythrocytes – erythrocytic – ichthyosauri – restaurateur – characteries – characterist – orthocerases – statisticise – theoreticist

The following are the 11-letter words.

austerities – casuistries – catachresis – catachreses – catheterise – chartreuses – curiosities – erythrocyte – ichthyosaur – orthostatic – orthostichy – securitises – testatrices – tetrastichs – thesauruses – trichocysts – heterocysts – citharistic – heroicities – octastiches – ostiariuses – restaurates – richterites – sericteries – seriosities – societaires – sociostatic – starthroats

The following are the 10-letter words.

araucarias – astrocytes – astrocytic – atrocities – catechesis – catechetic – causticity – certiorari – chachachas – chartreuse – cicatrices – cicatrises – ecoresorts – hystericus – hatcheries – hysteresis – ichthyosis – orthostats – osteocytes – osteocytic – ostracises – rasterises – rasteriser – ratcatcher – reiterates – rethatches – retrochoir – rheostatic – roasteries – rusticates – satyriasis – securitise – securities – sestertius – sororities – tertiaries – tetrastich – throatiest – tracheitis – tractrices – triacetate – trichocyst – tritheists – ureteritis – urethritis – catastasis – catastases – charactery – heterocyst – ahuehuetes – arthrozoic – citharists – hatchetite – orthoceras – ostraciser – racecaster – restaurate – restitches – retiracies – richterite – risoriuses – rusticater – societaire – starosties – starthroat – staticisor – staticiser

The following are the 9-letter words.

araucaria – arteritis – arthritic – arthritis – astrocyte – ataractic – atheistic – athetises – athetesis – atheteses – austerest – austerity – cachectic – cachuchas – cacoethes – caracaras – cariosity – castrates – casuistic – casuistry – cataracts – cathartic – cathectic – causeries – ceratites – chachacha – character – charities – charterer – chastises – chastiser – cherishes – chestiest – chorister – cicatrice – cicatrise – corticate – curiosity – cytisuses – ecoresort – eructates – esecurity – etceteras – etherises – hesitates – hesitater – heterosis – heucheras – heuristic – huaraches – hysterias – ichthuses – isostatic – orthostat – osteocyte – ostracise – ostriches – ozocerite – rasterise – rectrices – reiterate – restricts – retiarius – retroacts – rheostats – ricochets – roastiest – roisterer – rusticity – rusticate – satirists – satirises – sectaries – sericitic – serositis – shorthair – sitarists – societies – statistic – stitchery – stretches – stretcher – strictest – suitcases – suricates – tacticity – tartrates – tectrices – testacies – theoretic – theorists – theorises – theoriser – thesaurus – throatier – traceries – trachytes – trachytic – tractates – trichroic – tritheist – trustiest – urticaria – urticates – arethusas – curtesies – huisaches – acariasis – acariases – achroites – ahuehuete – ahuahuete – arteritic – arthrosis – arthroses – astroites – citharist – cytharist – cityishes – etherates – etherists – etheriser – heroicity – heroicise – heroistic – ochroites – octastich – octereses – oiticicas – oratrices – ostiarius – ostiaries – oysterish – rarieties – ratherest – ratherish – raucities – recatches – recharter – recitates – restarter – retraites – riroriros – rosarists – rosasites – rusticise – rusticoat – serictery – seriosity – societary – staretses – starostas – staticise

The following are the 8-letter words.

acetates – esthetes – esthetic – haitches – aoristic – aracaris – arteries – artistes – artistic – artistry – artsiest – atheists – athetise – atrocity – austerer – cachacas – cachucha – caracara – cariocas – casteist – castrate – castrati – casuists – cataract – catheter – catsuits – caucuses – causerie – cerastes – ceratite – chariest – chastise – chastity – chestier – choicest – choruses – citharas – citrates – citruses – cohoshes – cortices – curacaos – curacoas – curacies – curtsies – cystitis – erasures – eructate – esterase – etcetera – etherise – eustatic – hachures – hairiest – hastiest – hatchery – hatchets – hectares – heresies – heroises – hesitate – hetairas – hetairai – heuchera – hoariest – huarache – hurtiest – hysteria – hysteric – ichthyic – isostasy – iterates – cereuses – orthosis – orthoses – osteitis – osterias – rarities – ratatats – ratchets – ratraces – rehashes – reshores – resister – resorter – restarts – restates – restrict – rethatch – retraces – retracts – retroact – rheostat – ricochet – roastery – roastier – roasties – rortiest – rosaries – rostrate – rustiest – sahuaros – satiates – satirist – satirise – sauciest – security – seriates – sericite – serosity – shararas – shastras – shauries – shortest – shortish – shorties – sitarist – sorority – sosaties – staithes – statices – statists – stitches – stitcher – stretchy – striates – stricter – suitcase – sureties – suricate – tartaric – tartrate – tartiest – tastiest – teichoic – tertiary – testates – testiest – tetroses – thatches – thatcher – theistic – theorist – theorise – theories – thesauri – thoracic – thoraces – thrashes – thrasher – threshes – thresher – thrushes – thruster – titrates – trachyte – tractate – traiteur – tricasts – trisects – trochaic – truistic – trustier – trusties – tsarists – czarists – tzarists – ureteric – urethras – urticate – zestiest – arethusa – huisache – acaruses – acatries – achroite – acoruses – esthesia – esthesic – esthesis – astroite – citerior – ecostate – etatiste – etherate – etherist – hatchety – heuretic – iceshoes – ochroite – oiticica – oratists – orthesis – ortheses – osteitic – oysterer – rarioras – ratchety – razeteur – razateur – recitate – recoreco – recortes – rehoists – reshares – restater – restitch – retastes – retiracy – retraite – retrusts – rhesises – riroriro – risorius – rosarist – rosasite – roseries – sociates – socieses – sociuses – starosta – staroste – starosty – stateras – systasis – systases – systatic – theorias – throater

The following are the 7-letter words.

acacias – acetate – esthete – airiest – aitches – aorists – aracari – ariosos – artists – artiste – artiest – artsier – asities – astatic – atactic – atheist – atresia – aurochs – auroras – austere – azurite – cachaca – cachets – cecitis – carices – carioca – caritas – casitas – casuist – catches – catcher – catechu – caterer – catsits – catsuit – caustic – ceteris – chachas – chaises – chaoses – charity – charter – charier – cherish – chochos – choices – choicer – cicheti – cithara – citrate – citrusy – coaches – coacher – coaster – cochair – cochoas – coheres – coherer – cohorts – cohosts – costate – cosiest – cuatros – cueists – cuestas – cuishes – curacao – curacoa – curates – curiosa – cushats – cytisus – ecorats – erasure – eristic – estates – etheric – euchres – eustasy – hachure – hairier – hastate – hastier – hatches – hatchet – hectare – heretic – heroise – hetaira – heteros – hoaches – hoarier – hocuses – hoister – hosiery – hosties – hurtier – ichthus – icterus – icteric – iterate – oatiest – ocicats – octrois – oestrus – oraches – orectic – osteria – ostraca – ostrich – cochere – racists – raciest – rashest – ratatat – ratchet – ratites – ratrace – recasts – recites – reciter – recoats – recuses – rerates – resects – reshore – resists – resites – resorts – restart – restate – restios – retches – retests – retires – retirer – retrace – retract – retries – richest – roaches – roaster – roastie – rochets – roister – rortier – rosaces – rosaria – rosiest – roytish – rustier – sachets – sahuaro – saithes – saroses – satiate – satiety – satires – satiric – satyric – saucier – sauries – sausies – sectary – secures – seiches – seriate – sertaos – sestets – sharara – shariah – shariat – shastra – sastras – shauris – sheroes – shochet – shorter – shortie – shushes – shyster – siestas – sitches – society – sorosis – soroses – sorties – sosatie – staithe – starter – stashes – statice – statist – stereos – straits – straths – stretch – striate – striata – suasory – suertes – sycosis – taratas – tartest – tartare – tartier – tastier – tathata – tatsois – teretes – testate – testacy – testier – tetrose – thecate – theists – theriac – throats – throaty – thrusts – tirthas – titches – titrate – tracery – traceur – trashes – tricast – trioses – trisect – tritest – truster – tryster – tsarist – czarist – tzarist – tsetses – tysties – urethra – societe – zestier – zetetic – zoisite – curtesy – racecar – zoysias – acatery – acerose – acuates – astasia – citates – cityish – etatist – hatcher – euretic – iceshoe – octeres – oecists – oratist – oristic – orthose – ostiary – ostiate – oystery – rariety – rariora – rareish – rasures – ratches – raucity – recarts – recases – recatch – rechose – recorte – rectius – rehoist – reshare – reshoes – restaur – retaste – retiary – retrust – rezeros – rishtas – ristras – rosists – ruaches – rustres – securer – sociate – staches – starets – starost – statary – statera – staties – statise – structs – theoros – theoria – theoric – thrashy – trueish

The following are the 6-letter words.

acacia – acaras – acetic – achcha – acuity – airier – haitch – aorist – aortas – aortic – arecas – aretes – arhats – ariary – arioso – arises – artery – artist – artier – ashets – ashore – asuras – aureus – aurora – azures – cacaos – caches – cachet – carats – carets – caries – carter – cashes – casita – castes – caster – catchy – catsit – catsat – caucus – causes – causer – cerise – certes – ceruse – chacha – chaise – charas – charts – chases – chaser – chaste – cherts – cherty – chests – chesty – chocho – choice – chores – choric – chorus – citric – citrus – cities – coasts – coatis – cochoa – cocoas – cohere – cohoes – cohort – cohosh – cohost – coryza – cosets – coshes – costar – coster – cosier – cosies – cuatro – cuecas – cueist – cuesta – curacy – curare – curate – curies – curios – curtsy – cushes – cushat – cushty – cystic – ecarte – echoes – echoer – echoic – ecorat – either – erases – eraser – erects – ericas – erucic – eructs – estate – cetera – etches – etcher – etrier – euchre – eucies – hashes – hastes – hectic – heiaus – heists – heresy – heroes – heroic – zoster – hetero – heuchs – hythes – hoists – horahs – horary – hosier – hostas – hostie – hushes – iatric – iciest – irises – iritis – iritic – itches – cereus – oatier – ochery – ocicat – octets – octroi – estrus – orache – orachs – orates – oyster – cartes – racist – racier – rahrah – raises – raiser – rarest – rarity – rasher – rashes – raster – rather – ratios – ratite – recast – recite – recoat – recuse – rehash – rerate – resect – resets – resist – resits – resite – resort – restio – retest – reties – retire – retros – reuses – rhesus – richer – riches – roarer – roasts – roasty – rochet – rococo – rosace – rosary – roster – rostra – rosier – ruches – rushes – rusher – rustic – sachet – saithe – sashes – satais – satire – sauces – saucer – sausie – secure – seiche – seises – serais – series – serosa – sertao – seshes – sestet – shares – sharer – sharia – sharts – sastra – shauri – shoats – shochu – shores – shorts – shorty – shuras – siesta – sister – sistra – soarer – shosha – sorest – sorter – sortes – sortie – stares – starer – starts – stasis – stases – states – stater – static – steres – stereo – steric – stitch – strait – strata – strath – strict – suerte – suites – surahs – surest – surety – tachos – tactic – taiaha – tarata – tarter – tartar – tarzys – tashes – taches – tastes – taster – taties – tatsoi – terais – terete – tester – testes – testis – tetchy – tether – tetras – tetris – thatch – theist – theory – thesis – theses – thetas – thoria – thrash – thresh – thrice – throat – throes – thrush – thrust – tiaras – tirtha – tirths – tiches – titchy – tithes – titres – traces – tracer – tracts – traits – trashy – tricar – triose – triter – trocar – truces – truest – trusts – trusty – trysts – tsetse – tsuris – tsores – tystie – urates – ureter – uruses – usurer – yoyoes – zeroes – zester – cestas – coheir – zoysia – acarus – acater – acatry – acause – acoast – acorus – acuate – airish – auchts – chocos – citate – cither – cithar – costic – oecist – ortets – raches – raiths – rarish – rasure – raitch – razais – razets – recart – recase – recits – rehair – reises – reshoe – rester – resues – rezero – rhesis – rhetic – rhuses – riatas – rishta – reshta – ristra – rithes – roaroa – roachy – roarie – rorter – rosery – rosets – rosety – roshas – rosist – rustre – shetar – socias – socies – socius – stache – starty – statie – struct – tither – truish – useter

The following are the 5-letter words.

acara – achar – aches – airer – aitch – aiyoh – aorta – areca – arete – arhat – arias – arise – arose – aroha – artic – artsy – ashes – ashet – asity – aster – astir – asura – atria – auras – aurar – aurei – auric – azoic – azure – cacao – cache – cacti – carat – cares – carer – caret – carts – cases – casts – caste – casus – catch – cates – cater – cause – ceres – ceros – ceroc – certs – cesti – chair – chaos – chart – chary – chase – chats – chert – chest – choir – chose – chore – cists – cites – coach – coast – coats – coati – cocas – cocos – cocoa – cocus – cohoe – cohos – cores – corer – coses – coset – costs – costa – cozes – cueca – cuish – cures – curer – curia – curie – curio – cusec – cushy – cuzes – cysts – recti – causa – ecash – erase – erect – erhus – erica – eruct – ester – ether – ethos – euros – hahas – hairy – hares – harts – hasta – haste – hasty – hatch – hates – hater – hatha – hazes – hazer – heiau – heist – hertz – hests – heuch – hythe – hoach – hoary – hocus – hoist – horah – horas – hoses – hoser – hosts – hosta – huies – huias – hurts – hurty – ichor – icier – recue – ioras – irate – itchy – trois – riche – oasis – oases – oasts – oater – oaths – oches – ochre – ocher – ochry – octet – seria – orach – oracy – orate – osier – ostia – carte – races – racer – rahui – raise – raita – rarer – rasas – ratas – rates – raths – rathe – ratio – razes – rases – razor – recta – recur – resat – reset – resit – rests – retch – retia – retie – retro – retry – reuse – rhyta – rices – ricer – rises – riser – rites – ritzy – roach – roast – roche – rorts – rorty – roses – rosti – ruche – rusas – ruses – rushy – rusts – rusty – saith – saris – saros – sarus – satai – sates – satis – satyr – sauce – saucy – saury – sazes – sects – seise – serac – serai – seres – seths – sezes – shahs – share – shart – shero – shoat – shoes – shore – short – shoyu – shura – shush – sices – sires – sitar – sitch – sites – soras – sorer – sores – sorts – sorus – stair – stare – start – stash – state – stats – stere – stets – stria – sties – suety – suits – suite – surah – suras – surer – syces – tacet – tachs – tacho – tacit – tacos – tares – taros – tarts – tarte – tarty – tarzy – taser – tases – tache – taste – tasty – tater – tatie – techs – techy – tecta – terai – teres – terza – tests – testa – testy – tetra – tetri – those – theca – their – there – these – theta – throe – tiara – tiare – tires – tirth – titch – tithe – titis – titre – titer – trace – tract – trait – trash – triac – trice – trier – trios – trite – troys – truce – truer – trues – trust – tries – tryst – tyres – tyros – tiros – urate – usher – usury – yoyos – yucas – yurts – yuzus – zaire – zeros – zests – zesty – zetas – zoris – ceric – cesta – acher – acies – actas – airts – arith – arter – aucht – caser – choco – citer – oarer – octic – ortet – osetr – rache – ratch – raith – rater – raiah – razai – razer – razet – recit – recte – reist – resty – resue – riata – rists – rithe – rythe – roary – rorie – rohus – ruice – roset – rosit – rosha – rozes – ruach – ruchy – rurus – sater – seter – serir – sarir – shtar – socia – stary – titar – titir – theor – titas – uster – useta – yohah

The following are the 4-letter words.

acai – aces – acer – ache – achy – acts – reus – ahoy – airy – aits – aiyo – ares – aria – arts – arty – ashy – atas – ates – aura – rith – caca – ceca – care – cart – case – cash – cast – cats – cate – cere – cero – cert – chai – char – chat – chez – choc – choi – ciao – cire – cist – cite – city – coat – coca – coco – coho – coir – arte – core – cosh – cost – cosy – cozy – etat – cues – cure – curt – cush – cyst – sich – echo – echt – ecus – eish – eras – erhu – eses – etas – etch – eths – etic – eucy – euro – shui – haha – hehe – hair – hare – hart – hash – hast – hats – hate – hath – haze – hazy – heir – here – hero – hest – hets – hoes – hoar – hoer – hoha – hoho – soit – hora – hose – host – hoys – hues – huis – huia – hurt – hush – ices – iora – irie – iris – ists – itch – sais – oast – oats – oaty – oath – ocas – oche – ohus – ores – orts – orzo – thai – soie – tsai – erat – race – racy – rahs – etre – rara – rare – rasa – rash – rats – rata – rate – rath – raze – rase – rest – rets – rete – rhos – rias – rice – rich – rise – rose – rite – ritz – roar – roes – rort – rosy – ruas – rues – rusa – ruse – rush – rust – ryus – sari – sash – sate – sati – sere – sect – seis – sera – sesh – sets – seta – seth – shah – shat – shes – shoe – sice – sire – sits – site – sitz – soar – soca – sora – sore – sori – sort – soys – star – stat – stet – stir – rosa – such – sues – suer – suet – suhs – suit – sura – sure – syce – tach – taco – tact – tahr – thar – tara – tare – taro – tart – tase – tash – tats – tata – taus – taua – tech – test – tete – that – thru – thus – ties – tier – tire – tits – tich – titi – tres – tret – trio – tris – troy – true – tsar – czar – tzar – tyre – tyro – tiro – uhuh – uric – urus – uses – user – yore – yoyo – yuca – yurt – yuzu – zari – zero – zest – zeta – zoic – zori – thro – acta – ahuh – ahus – airt – ater – icer – osar – rati – reco – reis – rais – rhes – rhus – rist – roas – rory – roer – rohu – royt – ruru – riyo – ryos – tita – tite

The following are the 3-letter words.

ace – ach – act – hoc – aha – ais – air – ait – are – art – ash – ats – ate – azo – car – cat – cha – cis – cor – cos – coy – coz – cue – cui – cur – cuz – eco – ecu – era – ere – ese – est – eta – eth – hah – hai – hat – has – hes – her – het – hoe – hoi – hoy – hue – huh – hui – ice – icy – ire – ish – ist – its – reo – the – oar – oat – oca – och – oer – ohs – oho – ohu – cit – ora – ore – ort – hac – rah – rai – ras – rat – rec – ret – rez – res – rho – ria – roc – roe – rua – rue – rus – ryu – ses – sac – sai – sat – saz – sec – sei – set – sez – she – sho – shy – sic – sir – sis – sit – sos – soc – soh – soy – soz – sty – sue – suh – sui – sus – tai – tar – tat – tau – tch – tec – tho – thy – tic – tie – tit – tra – try – use – yuh – yus – zes – zas – zac – ois – oys – ahu – aie – auh – rhe – roa – roz – ryo – rio

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