New York Times NYT Letter Boxed Solution and Answers for February 23, 2022

This is today’s NYT Letter Boxed perfect solution. While today’s puzzle had 2186 different words, the answers you were looking for in order to solve the puzzle with just two words are CIPHER and RAMIFICATION.

The sides for today’s New York Times Letter Boxed are CPM, ROT, FEN, and IAH.

CIPHER is defined as a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number. It is also defined as a secret method of writing. It is also defined as convert ordinary language into code. It is also defined as a message written in a secret code. It is also defined as a quantity of no importance. It is also defined as a person of no influence. It is also defined as make a mathematical calculation or computation.

RAMIFICATION is defined as a part of a forked or branching shape. It is also defined as a development that complicates a situation. It is also defined as the act of branching out or dividing into branches. It is also defined as an arrangement of branching parts.

For the latest information about the New York Times Letter Boxed game, including tips and strategies, please check back Today’s NYT Letter Boxed. every day.

The following are the 17-letter words.


The following are the 16-letter words.


The following are the 15-letter words.

coprecipitation – aetherification – reprecipitation

The following are the 14-letter words.

incapacitation – interpretation – epicheirematic – etherification – peripancreatic – recapacitation – repacification – technification – titanohematite

The following are the 13-letter words.

contamination – coprecipitate – fractionation – incarceration – incrimination – opacification – pontification – precipitation – preconception – ratiocination – recrimination – rectification – reincarnation – acetification – anthracometer – epicherematic – metantimonate – preperception – remancipation – reprecipitate – titanhematite

The following are the 12-letter words.

anticipation – antipathetic – capacitation – citification – concomitance – emancipation – incapacitant – incapacitate – interception – pacification – pantechnicon – pernoctation – precipitance – ramification – rarification – ratification – technocratic – thereinafter – aerification – anthraconite – minification – monarchomach – opinionation – pancreatitic – panification – paratacamite – parification – percontation – perfrication – periphractic – pherecratean – precantation – recapacitate – reconception – tithonometer

The following are the 11-letter words.

actinometer – anacreontic – anthracitic – capacitance – carcinomata – coarctation – concomitant – contaminant – contaminate – crepitation – fractionate – hemopoietic – hereinafter – inanimation – incantation – incarcerate – incarnation – incriminate – inheritance – interactant – interaction – interethnic – interpreter – metafiction – nociception – noncoercion – paraparetic – pectination – peripatetic – pontificate – precipitant – precipitate – premonition – preparation – preterition – ratiocinate – reanimation – recantation – recriminate – reification – reincarnate – reinterpret – reiteration – termination – thermometer – craniometer – rarifaction – canceration – epicheirema – internation – metatheater – miniprinter – monoanionic – nictitation – opinionater – permeameter – pherecratic – prepetition – prereaction – printaniere – remancipate – reoperation

The following are the 10-letter words.

anthracite – anticancer – antichoice – anticipate – antiemetic – antithetic – arithmetic – capacitate – capitation – carination – catananche – cataphract – catechetic – coaptation – conception – concoction – concretion – emancipate – hemipteran – heptameter – homoeopath – homophonic – homopteran – incitation – intimation – intinction – maceration – marination – matchpoint – mecopteran – metathetic – monocarpic – monocratic – monophonic – nomination – pancreatic – pancreatin – panopticon – paratactic – patination – perception – permeation – permethrin – pernoctate – piemontite – precipitin – pricepoint – primiparae – principate – ratcatcher – recitation – recreation – reparation – repetition – tachometer – taphonomic – technocrat – theocratic – thereafter – thermionic – timocratic – mathematic – afterpiece – anthoinite – cameration – capitanate – epicherema – ethopoetic – factionate – internonce – machometer – metaphonic – monoacetin – monomictic – opacimeter – opinionate – pachometer – pacificate – pancration – pantechnic – pantheonic – parapherna – paraphonic – parathetic – pathopoeic – peacherino – peracetate – pereionite – peraeonite – perfricate – pericarpic – peripheric – periphonic – peritectic – phonometer – phonomimic – pinipicrin – practicant – preception – preprimate – primicerio – printanier – ramificate – ratiometer – receptance – reintimate – reiterance – remanation – rheopectic – richterite – titanation

The following are the 9-letter words.

aftercare – aftermath – animation – anthemion – antimonic – apathetic – apomictic – ataractic – athematic – cachectic – cameraman – carcinoma – carnation – catamaran – cathectic – cinchonic – circinate – coarctate – concocter – copacetic – cremation – crepitate – crepitant – criterion – emanation – epicritic – epithetic – financier – hemiptera – hereafter – homeopath – homoptera – imitation – inanimate – inanition – incarnate – inception – intercept – interface – interpret – iteration – manometer – meateater – mercaptan – metacarpi – metameric – mincemeat – monomeric – monometer – monoprint – mariniere – nanometer – nictitate – nictation – octameter – opacifier – operation – optimific – panmictic – parameter – peacetime – pectinate – perimeter – permeance – phonation – practicer – precipice – preterite – pretermit – primetime – primipara – reactance – reanimate – recaption – reception – recherche – rectifier – reiterate – remontant – reprinter – rheometer – ricepaper – ricercare – ricercari – tarnation – terminate – thriftier – timepiece – timepoint – comonomer – faceprint – hematinic – acetation – acetifier – achmatite – aconitate – acritarch – afterheat – antechoir – antetheme – anthracic – apheretic – cameriere – cancerate – captanate – criminate – ecocritic – foetation – focimeter – focometer – homecomer – homecraft – marionite – marmatite – matchcoat – mehtarani – mechoacan – minimeter – miniprint – moncheite – monoanion – monopitch – montanite – nictitant – nominatim – nomocanon – nonameric – nonanoate – octameric – octanoate – oncometer – onomantic – pacifarin – pancratic – papeterie – paramoeon – paramoion – pearceite – pereonite – perioecic – perioptic – peticanon – picramate – pictarnie – precancer – precation – preheater – preparate – preretina – primicier – rancieite – ratemeter – rationate – receptant – reconcoct – recreance – reinherit – reiterant – reptation – retinoate – ricercata – recercata – technomic – titanitic

The following are the 8-letter words.

aeration – amaranth – anathema – animatic – anointer – anteater – anthemic – antiphon – antipope – aperitif – arancini – capitano – capitate – capoeira – caponata – caponier – caracara – carapace – carinate – catamite – cataract – catheter – cationic – ceratite – cetacean – choirman – chthonic – cinchona – citation – coachman – coaction – coercion – conation – concrete – craftier – creamier – creation – creperie – earpiece – economic – ephemera – epimeric – erection – eremitic – etcetera – ethnarch – faceache – facetime – fiftieth – fraction – friction – hematite – hepatica – hermetic – hermitic – herpetic – hetaerae – hometime – icecream – inaction – inchoate – increate – interact – intercom – intermit – intimate – macerate – mapepire – marathon – marinara – marinate – maritime – matamata – matchfit – meantime – metamere – micritic – mimetite – monition – monocrat – monteith – natation – nominate – operatic – optimate – pacarana – pacifier – panacean – panoptic – pantheon – paranoic – pathetic – pathname – peaeater – peperino – pericarp – pericope – permatan – permeate – permeant – peterman – petition – phreatic – picritic – pinpoint – piripiri – pitchman – pointman – pointier – practice – praecipe – preacher – precinct – prematch – premiere – preparer – preprint – preterit – principe – principi – racemate – ranchera – ratifier – reactant – reaction – recanter – recreant – recreate – reheater – repeater – retinoic – ricercar – ricochet – taconite – tarpaper – teichoic – thematic – theocrat – theremin – thermion – thermite – titanate – titanite – hematein – nametape – nonionic – aceramic – aconitic – animater – camerata – camerate – capitana – carnaper – comether – econiche – epicerie – etherate – etherean – aetherin – heptamer – homecome – icecrete – macomere – maconite – mamacita – mamanite – manicate – maranite – marantic – marchman – matchman – mathetic – meconate – meionite – mericarp – metamict – micanite – mimation – miration – mohonono – monocarp – monomino – monoptic – nocerite – noematic – nonactin – oceanite – ochreate – oinochoe – oiticica – onofrite – operance – opherion – optation – pacifico – pancheon – pantcoat – pantheic – paramere – parietin – patinate – pearance – peperite – perceant – peripter – phtanite – pierinch – pinacate – piperate – pitmatic – poematic – popocrat – precipit – prehnite – preoptic – priceite – primatic – ramarama – ranchman – rarifier – rareripe – reanoint – rearmice – recipher – recitant – recitate – reincite – reintern – remanant – reparate – repermit – repreach – reprimer – retinite – rhematic – riometer – technica – termitic – titheman – tithonic

The following are the 7-letter words.

acetate – aconite – actinic – acratic – amirite – anaemic – animate – animati – anionic – apatite – aphetic – aphonic – apnoeic – apocope – apomict – aracari – armoire – atactic – canonic – cantata – cantina – capiche – caperer – caprice – caption – carfare – carinae – carioca – carnita – carnier – catcher – cateran – caterer – catmint – ceramic – cheaper – cheapie – cheater – choicer – cicheti – coacher – coercer – coherer – coition – comfier – conacre – conceit – concept – concern – concoct – contact – contemn – crafter – creamer – creance – cremant – cremate – cremini – crinite – earache – emanate – emirate – epicarp – epimera – epitaph – epithet – eremite – etheric – faction – fanatic – fancier – fiction – fiercer – fierier – finance – fintech – firearm – fireman – firepit – foamier – fontina – frantic – hematic – hematin – heather – heatmap – hectare – heparin – hepatic – heretic – hetaera – hoarier – hominin – icteric – imamate – imitate – incipit – inciter – incomer – inherit – interim – intimae – ionomer – ipomoea – iterate – machete – matchet – macrame – manchet – maranta – marcher – marmite – meatpie – meatier – memetic – meranti – metamer – micrite – mimetic – minaret – minicam – minicom – mintier – moanier – monarch – monomer – nacarat – nictate – niftier – niterie – nointer – nomarch – ocarina – oceanic – ochreae – operant – operate – opinion – paceman – pacific – paeonic – pacamac – panacea – panache – pantech – panther – paperer – parapet – pareira – paretic – patcher – paterae – peacoat – peatier – percept – percher – petitio – phonate – phonier – picante – picrate – picrite – piecier – piercer – pincher – piratic – pitapat – pitcher – poacher – pointer – pomfret – poncier – cochere – prancer – precept – preheat – premier – prepare – preterm – pricier – primate – printer – racemic – rancher – ratatat – ratchet – reacher – receipt – reciter – reinter – rematch – remnant – repaper – repoint – reprice – reprint – reptant – reteach – retinae – retirer – rimfire – tamarin – taperer – tapioca – teacher – tearier – teatime – technic – tepache – tiercet – termini – termite – ternate – tetanic – theater – thecate – thereat – therein – thereof – thereon – thermae – thermic – thermit – titanic – titmice – intacta – ceriman – cithern – emerita – minicar – racecar – acreman – actinin – actinon – aechmea – archeon – capitao – comerit – cometic – coprime – ecofact – etherin – factice – machera – maniera – maricon – matapie – matcher – maticin – matiere – meconin – mionite – meontic – merchet – meriter – miemite – mirific – montant – montera – nacrite – naptime – nonamer – ocreate – octamer – octarch – oficina – omnific – opacate – opacite – opinant – paction – paeonin – peapern – parcher – patache – patacon – peacher – pectate – pereion – peraeon – phememe – picamar – pipeman – piperin – piperie – pochoir – poietic – pomerac – popinac – practic – precant – precoma – pretape – primite – pterion – recatch – recheat – remanie – remeant – repiece – reprime

The following are the 6-letter words.

initio – acetic – acinar – actant – action – aerate – amerce – amnion – anarch – anoint – anomic – anomie – antcap – anthem – anther – apache – apeman – apiece – apnoea – arcana – archer – archon – arctic – arnica – ataman – cachet – camera – canape – cancan – cancer – canoer – canter – captan – carhop – carina – carman – carper – carpet – cation – catnap – catnip – cermet – cheapo – chemin – chocho – choice – cipher – coarct – cochoa – coerce – cohere – comfit – conman – copier – copita – copter – cratch – crater – create – creche – crepon – cretic – cretin – critic – echoer – echoic – either – emetic – eparch – epater – epimer – cetera – etcher – aether – ethnic – faerie – farina – farman – farmer – fatcat – father – fathom – fierce – finite – firmer – firman – fitche – fomite – framer – fratch – frater – hearer – heater – hectic – heinie – hereat – herein – hereof – hermit – hetman – homier – honcho – icecap – iceman – iconic – inarch – incant – incept – incite – income – inhere – inmate – intact – intein – intern – intima – ipecac – iritic – caftan – franca – macher – manana – manioc – manoir – mantic – maraca – marari – marina – matier – meanie – memoir – mercer – merino – merman – metate – metier – mincer – minima – minion – minter – mither – mopani – mopier – natant – nation – nicher – noetic – noncom – oatier – ochrea – ocicat – octant – opanci – optant – optima – option – pacier – paepae – panama – pancit – panini – panino – pantec – papier – paramo – paraph – pataca – patera – patina – pectic – pectin – pepino – pepita – peptic – capita – perfin – periti – permit – petite – phonic – phonon – picnic – picric – piecer – pieman – pierce – pinata – pincer – pinion – pionic – pirate – pithoi – pitman – pitpan – poetic – pointe – pomace – poncho – pranam – prance – prater – pratie – preach – pricer – primer – prince – raceme – racino – racier – rafter – ranter – rapier – rapini – rather – ration – ratite – reamer – reaper – rearer – recant – recipe – recite – recoat – rehear – reheat – rehome – repeat – rerate – retcon – retime – retina – retire – richer – ricrac – rimier – riprap – tactic – tamari – tarama – tarata – tarmac – tarpan – tarpit – tarpon – tatami – teamer – tearer – techno – tephra – teraph – tercet – terete – tether – thecae – threap – threat – thrice – thrift – tiepin – tierce – tinter – tinier – amrita – carnie – coheir – concho – ocreae – pipier – acacin – acanth – acater – acetin – acinic – aconic – acteme – aeonic – aetite – chemic – citate – cither – crinch – foeman – framea – macana – mapoer – manaca – manche – manoao – monoao – mantie – maomao – marara – marime – marmem – matapi – matata – mathom – matico – matipo – matapo – matman – meacon – mecate – mehtar – mehter – meinie – meonic – mether – mictic – mirate – miriti – monach – monact – monion – nanite – nimite – nincom – nither – nonoic – oarman – oncome – optate – optime – peonin – pantan – pantin – panter – papern – parera – patana – patete – pincie – pereon – permie – pernio – perpet – petaca – petate – pheran – picein – pictar – pietic – pinate – pinche – pinite – piopio – piperi – pirnie – pitara – pitier – poemet – poipoi – poncif – pontac – pranic – precip – premie – premio – primar – primip – pritch – pterin – ramier – rancio – ranite – recept – recoin – remint – repace – retama – ratama – reteam – rhetic – rimate – rincon – ripier – termer – termon – timite – tither

The following are the 5-letter words.

acara – acini – actin – afara – afire – afrit – after – amari – amice – amici – amino – amnio – amrit – ancho – ancon – anima – anime – anion – antic – apace – apter – arame – areca – arete – atman – noire – manie – cacao – cache – cacti – caeca – cameo – canoe – canon – canti – caper – capon – capri – carat – carer – caret – carpe – carpi – catch – cater – cerci – cheap – cheat – chemo – choir – cinch – circa – coach – coati – cocoa – cohoe – comae – comer – comet – comic – conch – conic – conte – coper – copra – craft – crape – crate – cream – crept – crema – creme – crepe – crier – crime – recti – earnt – eater – eatin – epact – epoch – erect – erica – ether – aerie – facer – facet – facta – farce – fiche – fieri – fifth – finca – finch – firer – firie – firni – fitch – fitna – foehn – frame – franc – freon – frita – frite – frith – frier – heath – hoach – homer – homie – hoper – icier – iftar – inapt – inion – inter – ionic – irate – macer – mache – macho – mafic – manat – manic – manta – marae – march – match – mater – matin – meant – merch – merit – meter – metho – metic – mimer – mimeo – mimic – mince – minim – mirch – mirin – mitch – miter – moana – mocap – moire – monic – monte – month – moper – ficta – nacho – nacre – namer – nance – narco – natch – nicer – niche – niece – ninon – ninth – niter – nonce – riche – oater – ocean – ochre – ocher – octet – ohmic – oncer – onion – ontic – opepe – opera – optic – pacer – paean – paeon – panir – panic – paper – parch – parer – pareo – parma – parmo – patch – pater – patio – peace – peach – pecan – perch – peter – petit – phono – piece – pieta – pinch – pinon – pinta – piper – pipit – pitch – poach – pocho – poete – point – ponce – prana – prate – price – prima – facie – prime – primo – print – prion – racer – racon – ramie – ramin – ranch – raper – raphe – rarer – rathe – ratio – reach – react – rearm – recap – recon – recta – reman – remap – remit – repat – reran – retch – retie – rheme – ricer – ricin – riper – tacan – tacet – tacho – tacit – tamer – tante – taper – tapir – tache – tater – tatie – teach – tecta – terce – firma – theca – their – theme – there – therm – theta – thrip – timer – titan – titch – tithe – titer – arepa – ceric – hemic – ocrea – pipet – acher – afanc – afion – afoam – afret – arith – armer – armet – choco – citer – crein – fonio – macte – manoa – mante – maran – marma – mathe – meith – memic – minar – mitie – momie – monpe – mtepe – nante – nanti – napoh – ninta – niopo – nipet – noema – noeme – noint – nomic – nonan – nonic – oarer – octic – oiran – panch – papri – pepon – perae – pheme – pheon – phoca – picon – pince – pocan – poche – poire – preon – preta – prier – rache – ratch – ramet – ramon – rance – rince – rapin – rater – recep – recit – recte – remet – repin – retem – retam – retin – retip – reata – rimer – rimon – rithe – titar – titir – titin

The following are the 4-letter words.

acer – ache – acre – aeon – afar – amir – anoa – anon – ante – anti – arch – arco – area – atap – rith – caca – ceca – cama – came – cami – camo – cant – cape – capn – capo – care – carn – carp – cate – cere – choc – choi – chop – mein – cire – cite – coat – coca – coco – coho – coif – coin – coir – coma – come – coni – cope – etat – cram – cran – crap – crim – crip – crit – herp – nach – each – earn – echo – echt – econ – eina – emic – emir – emit – mere – epic – etch – etic – face – fact – fame – fare – farm – fate – fino – fire – firm – firn – foam – foci – fohn – foie – font – frae – frap – frat – fret – frit – heme – hehe – heap – hear – heat – heir – here – herm – hoar – hoer – hoho – homa – home – homo – honi – hope – icon – imam – inca – inch – inti – irie – itch – item – mace – mama – mana – mara – marc – mare – marm – mate – math – mean – meat – mech – meme – memo – merc – meta – mete – meth – mica – mice – mime – mimi – mini – mint – mire – mite – moan – moat – mofo – moit – momo – mona – mono – mope – name – nana – nano – naoi – nape – napa – narc – nate – nice – nipa – nite – noir – noma – nome – noni – nope – oath – oche – omer – omit – once – rima – paca – pace – pact – pani – pant – papa – para – pare – pari – parm – parp – pate – path – pean – pear – peat – pech – pein – peon – pepo – pere – perf – peri – perm – perp – phon – pica – pice – pier – pina – pint – pion – pipa – pipe – pipi – pith – pita – poco – poem – poet – poma – pome – pomo – pont – pope – popo – pram – prat – prem – prep – prim – piet – erat – race – raft – rami – rani – rant – rape – rapt – rara – rare – rata – rate – rath – ream – reap – rear – rein – repo – rete – rhea – rice – rich – riem – rift – rime – ripe – rite – tach – taco – tact – tame – tant – tapa – tape – tara – tare – tarn – tarp – tata – team – tear – teat – tech – tein – tipi – term – tern – tete – them – thon – tier – tifo – time – tint – tire – tich – titi – cepe – cion – acta – anta – apam – ater – crin – hept – icer – maca – maft – mani – mant – mape – mina – mira – mita – moar – moch – moco – mohr – mome – nace – naeo – nant – nara – nopa – nopo – nonc – oafo – omie – opie – paco – pape – paep – pame – parc – pata – pect – perc – pern – pinc – pira – pirn – pret – rame – rana – rati – rean – reco – reif – remf – tita – tite

The following are the 3-letter words.

ace – ach – act – hoc – eon – aft – ana – ani – ant – ape – apt – arc – are – arf – arm – ate – cam – can – cap – car – cat – cep – mer – con – cop – cri – non – mon – ear – eat – eco – emo – era – ere – erf – eta – eth – fam – fan – fap – far – fat – fic – fie – fin – fir – fit – foe – fop – hem – hep – her – het – hoe – hoi – hom – hon – hop – ice – ion – ire – reo – mac – the – mam – man – map – mar – mat – mea – met – meh – rea – mho – mic – mim – moa – moc – moe – moi – mom – mop – nae – nam – nan – nap – nim – nip – nit – noa – nom – nth – oaf – oar – oat – oca – och – oer – oft – ohm – oho – cit – ope – opt – pan – pap – par – pat – pea – pec – pep – per – pet – pho – pic – pie – pin – pip – pir – pit – poi – pop – pre – tem – ram – ran – rap – rat – rec – rem – rep – ret – rho – rim – rip – tae – tam – tan – tap – tar – tat – tch – tea – tec – tho – tic – tie – tin – tip – tit – fae – mie – nao – nar – nif – noi – nie – omi – opa – opi – paf – poh – rhe – rin – rio

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