New York Times NYT Letter Boxed Answers and Solution for December 11, 2023

This is today’s NYT Letter Boxed perfect solution. While today’s puzzle had 2070 different words, you really want to find the two to help you solve the Letter Boxed in two! You can learn the New York Times’ preferred answers by watching the video below, or scrolling just past to see the answers and learn more about this puzzle’s solution. In addition, scroll below to find the other two-word solutions the New York Times won’t tell you about! Don’t forget to subscribe to get daily updates.

Did you figure it out yet? Well, the answers you were looking for in order to solve the puzzle with just two words are ARTICHOKE and EPIGRAM

The sides for today’s New York Times Letter Boxed are GMT, ACK, EIO, and PHR.

ARTICHOKE is defined as Mediterranean thistlelike plant widely cultivated for its large edible flower head. It is also defined as a thistlelike flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart.

EPIGRAM is defined as a witty saying.

For the latest information about the New York Times Letter Boxed game, including tips and strategies, please check Today’s NYT Letter Boxed every day.

In addition, the puzzle actually had 20 additional solutions to do it in just two words. Below is a listing of the other ways to solve the puzzle with just two answers.


The following are the 15-letter words.


The following are the 14-letter words.

heteroaromatic – microperthitic

The following are the 13-letter words.

chemoreceptor – heterogametic – epicherematic – epichirematic – microperthite – orthoceratite – periarteritic – porokeratotic

The following are the 12-letter words.

matriarchate – meritocratic – participator – patriarchate – thermometric – thermotropic – heteroatomic – micromeritic – microthermic – paratartaric – perichoretic – peritrematic

The following are the 11-letter words.

ectothermic – haematocrit – haematomata – heteroptera – homogametic – microgamete – orthotropic – paraparetic – participate – peripatetic – tetrarchate – thermometer – trichoptera – trichotomic – chemotropic – chemoceptor – chemometric – imperatrice – emperatrice – matriarchic – megathermic – metatheatre – metatheater – metropathia – micrometric – octopartite – orthometric – othaematoma – partocratic – patriarchic – perihepatic – permeameter – picromerite – potamometer

The following are the 10-letter words.

apotropaic – arithmetic – comparator – competitor – crematoria – empathetic – groceteria – hematocrit – hematomata – hectometre – hectometer – hepatomata – heptameter – heptarchic – hikikomori – margherita – megagamete – megatheria – meritocrat – metathetic – micrometer – micrometre – octocopter – optometric – orthoptera – parametric – patriciate – perimetric – perithecia – repatriate – tamagotchi – teratomata – termitaria – tetrameric – tetrameter – tetratomic – thermogram – timocratic – tragicomic – tripartite – heteroatom – mathematic – micropipet – paraptotic – pichiciago – aerometric – aerotropic – chaotropic – chemiatric – citrometer – epichirema – epicherema – hatchetite – maghaemite – megohmeter – merocerite – merogamete – meromictic – micrergate – micromeric – micromotor – microtherm – microtiter – microtitre – microtomic – orthotomic – orthotopic – othematoma – parapathia – parapatric – parathetic – perimortem – peritectic – porometric – recogitate – rememorate – remitigate – richterite – trageremic – tropometer

The following are the 9-letter words.

apathetic – apomictic – apoptotic – architect – artichoke – athematic – athetotic – charterer – chimaeric – coarctate – cogitator – crepitate – crocheter – ectotherm – epicormic – epicritic – epithetic – ergometer – champetre – geriatric – greatcoat – haematite – haematoma – heartrate – hectarage – hectogram – hemiptera – hermitage – heterotic – highchair – homoptera – imperator – impetrate – kegerator – margarita – matriarch – meateater – metameric – microchip – microgram – micropore – microtome – mitigator – moratoria – octameter – optometer – orthopter – orthoptic – paragogic – paramecia – parameter – paramotor – paregoric – parikrama – patriarch – peperomia – pikeperch – perimeter – permeator – petechiae – petrichor – pictogram – porterage – recharger – recherche – rectorate – repechage – reportage – ricepaper – tchotchke – temperate – tetragram – themepark – thitherto – tightrope – triatomic – trimetric – tripmeter – permatemp – aerometer – aeromotor – amapagati – amatagati – amerciate – arteritic – comigrate – ecocritic – emporetic – emporitic – epichoric – gamergate – hogchoker – homecomer – maghemite – margarate – margarite – marmatite – matchcoat – materiate – megathere – megatherm – mekometer – memoriter – metrotome – micromere – octameric – octatomic – optomotor – orocratic – orometric – othertime – otopathic – parkerite – parotitic – partocrat – partogram – pecoraite – peritreme – peritrema – peritrich – peritrope – perorator – perthitic – picramate – pithiatic – pitometer – porogamic – poromeric – porometer – potometer – ratemeter – reagitate – recharter – recitator – recompare – recreator – rectorite – regerater – remigrate – reparator – repetitor – retreater – rotameter – rotometer

The following are the 8-letter words.

aegrotat – aerogram – agitator – airtight – amiright – amitotic – amperage – aporetic – arapaima – armchair – aromatic – atheroma – cecropia – ceratite – chimaera – chimeric – chitchat – cogitate – cremator – criteria – crotchet – echogram – emigrate – empathic – epimeric – epitomic – eremitic – etcetera – ethogram – gatherer – gematria – haematic – hematite – hematoma – hairgrip – hamartia – hamerkop – hepatoma – heritage – hermetic – hermitic – hetaerae – hetairai – hitherto – homepage – homeport – hometime – horchata – horopter – icecream – imitator – impetigo – importer – memoriam – mahimahi – mapepire – maritime – marketer – mataitai – matamata – metamere – metreage – meterage – micritic – micropig – migrator – mimetite – mitigate – morepork – mortaria – morticer – operatic – operator – optimate – orthotic – paragoge – pathetic – patriate – peaeater – pericope – permeate – perorate – petechia – picritic – pikopiko – piripiri – portrait – rampager – receptor – recharge – recreate – regather – reheater – repairer – repeater – reporter – rethatch – ricochet – tamariki – tamperer – tartaric – tartrate – tekoteko – temperer – teratoma – tetramer – tetrarch – thatcher – theatric – thematic – thermite – together – tokotoko – tomogram – torchere – trichome – trimeric – trimeter – trochaic – ecotopia – aegirite – chemotic – comether – crimpage – etherate – germatic – hatamoto – heptamer – herogram – hogchoke – homecome – icecrete – kopitiam – magatama – margaric – marigram – mathetic – matamora – matamoro – memorate – metagram – metamict – metritic – miromiro – mokimoki – motherer – optogram – oratoric – orchitic – pamperer – paragram – paramere – parergic – pargeter – parochet – peperite – perahera – perahara – peripter – perthite – picogram – picotite – pictoric – pikipiki – piperate – pompatic – popocrat – poroporo – potarite – pterotic – ramarama – rareripe – rearmice – recitate – recoreco – regrater – regrator – remarker – remarket – reparate – repermit – retemper – retorter – retraite – riroriro – romerite – termitic

The following are the 7-letter words.

aerator – agitate – agitato – agoroth – airtime – amirite – apatite – apocope – apomict – apothem – archaea – archaic – armiger – armorer – ceramic – chaetae – chamcha – chaotic – chapati – chapter – charger – charkha – charmer – charter – cheaper – cheater – chimera – cicheti – cicheto – cigaret – cithara – kithara – citrate – cochair – coherer – compare – compere – compete – comport – compote – cortege – theatre – creamer – creator – cremate – crimper – crochet – earmark – ecochic – ecorche – ecotage – ectopic – emirate – emocore – emperor – empiric – emporia – epigram – epimera – epithet – epitome – epitope – erector – eremite – etagere – etheric – gametic – gharara – gotcher – greater – grogram – hematic – haricot – hatchet – heather – hectare – hepatic – heretic – heritor – hetaera – hetaira – hightop – hitcher – icteric – imamate – imitate – iterate – ketotic – komatik – matchet – marcher – margate – mariage – markhor – marmite – materia – memetic – metamer – micrite – migrate – mimetic – mitotic – mompara – mampara – mortice – motoric – motorik – earther – operate – orectic – origami – pampero – paperer – parapet – paratha – patriae – parerga – paretic – partita – partite – patagia – patcher – paterae – percept – percher – periapt – picrate – picrite – piratic – pitapat – pitcher – portage – cochere – portico – potager – potamic – potrero – rampage – rampart – ratatat – ratchet – reciter – regorge – rematch – remoter – repaper – retirer – retreat – righter – rotamer – rotator – taperer – tartare – tathata – tchagra – teatime – tektite – tempera – tempter – tergite – termite – theater – thereat – thereto – thermae – thermic – thermit – thither – tighter – titrate – topcoat – torgoch – totemic – traitor – tramper – treater – trigram – trimpot – trireme – emerita – tempore – aechmea – agamete – agarita – agitpop – chaotom – citator – comerit – cometic – gaiatri – hatcher – homager – maegeri – marigot – marotic – martite – matcher – megahit – memorat – merchet – meriter – methegh – metopic – metrete – miagite – miparti – mitrate – moriche – mormaor – mormaer – ocreate – octamer – octarch – octoate – octopic – oghamic – ogogoro – opiatic – orotate – orthite – pagetic – parcher – parigot – paremia – parotic – partage – patrico – pectate – perempt – picotah – pigcote – pipeage – porotic – portate – potator – poticia – potiche – pteroma – rampike – rampire – rathite – raoriki – recheat – recorte – regrate – remerge

The following are the 6-letter words.

aerate – agamic – agaric – agogic – agorae – agorot – haitch – amerce – ampere – regime – aortic – aporia – archer – arctic – aright – armpit – athame – atomic – atopic – emptor – cermet – chaeta – charge – cheapo – chicer – chicha – chichi – chimer – chocho – choker – chokra – chorea – choric – citric – coarct – cochoa – cogito – cohere – cohort – comper – compte – copita – copter – corker – maitre – cratch – crater – create – creche – cretic – critic – crotch – gratia – ecorat – emerge – emetic – emigre – emoter – empath – empire – eparch – epater – epimer – erotic – cetera – etcher – aether – gaiter – gamete – garage – garget – garter – gather – ghagra – ghatam – gherao – gorger – gorget – gotcha – gothic – graham – grater – gricer – griper – grocer – groper – hamate – hamper – haptic – hearer – hearth – heater – hectic – hector – hegira – hereat – hereto – hermit – hetero – higher – hither – homage – hotpot – iatric – imager – impair – impark – impart – import – iritic – khimar – kimchi – kochia – korero – kratom – magret – maigre – marari – marker – market – marmot – matcha – matric – meagre – meager – megohm – megrim – mercer – merger – metage – metate – metope – metric – mirage – mithai – mither – mohair – mopoke – moptop – morcha – mortar – mother – parker – omerta – opiate – optima – orator – orgeat – paepae – pamper – paramo – parget – pariah – parter – patera – patria – pectic – pepita – peptic – periti – permit – petite – picric – perogi – pirogi – pirate – pitchi – pogrom – pompom – popote – porker – porter – potage – potato – pother – ptotic – ramper – raptor – rather – ratite – reamer – reaper – rearer – recipe – recite – recoat – recork – rector – regret – rehear – reheat – rehire – rehome – remark – remora – remote – repair – repeat – report – rerate – retime – retire – retort – richer – righto – roamer – roarer – rochet – rococo – romcom – romper – rotate – tagati – taiaha – taihoa – tamari – tamper – tarama – tarata – target – tarter – tartar – tatami – teamer – teapot – tearer – tempeh – temper – tercet – terete – tether – thatch – thiram – thoria – tiptop – tirtha – tocher – tomato – torero – totara – tother – tragic – tremor – triage – tricot – trimer – triter – trompe – tropic – amrita – ocreae – aetite – agamae – agrimi – ahight – chemic – citate – cither – cithar – gamahe – hotcha – imagic – maimai – maomao – marage – marara – marcot – marime – marmem – matapi – matata – mathom – matico – matipo – matapo – matoke – magame – mehari – mehara – mehtar – mehter – metheg – mether – methai – mictic – mirate – miriti – mogote – mokihi – mokoro – morita – oarage – ohmage – omochi – optate – optime – orchat – orthic – pagati – paiche – parage – parera – patete – pathic – pathia – patiki – petate – picote – pictar – pigcot – pipage – piperi – pitara – pomato – pomper – popiah – porger – porite – porket – ramage – raitch – rariki – recept – rehair – repart – retama – ratama – reteam – retrim – rimate – roaroa – rorter – termer – termor – timite – tither – thithi – tompot – troper

The following are the 5-letter words.

agama – agape – agate – agita – agogo – agora – aight – airer – aitch – amaro – amari – amice – amici – amigo – amrit – aorta – apart – apter – regia – arame – arete – argot – ariki – armor – aroha – aroma – artic – atria – cerci – ceroc – chair – champ – chape – charm – chart – cheap – cheat – chemo – chert – chiko – chime – chimp – chirm – choke – choko – chomp – chore – chota – cigar – coati – cocoa – comae – comer – comet – comic – compo – amore – coper – coram – corer – corgi – cotch – kotch – craic – cramp – crape – crate – cream – crept – crema – creme – crepe – crime – crimp – croci – crore – recti – eager – eagre – earth – eater – egret – emerg – emote – epoch – erect – ergot – ether – ethic – parte – origo – gaita – gamer – gaper – garam – garth – gator – gager – gigot – girth – gomer – gopik – gorge – gramp – grape – grate – great – grike – grime – gripe – groat – grope – haere – haham – haram – harem – hatch – hater – hatha – heart – heath – hight – hiker – hirer – hitch – hithe – hotch – homer – hoper – horah – ichor – image – imago – irate – iroko – kempt – ketch – kipah – kitke – kopek – korai – korma – krait – marga – magic – marae – march – maria – marge – matai – match – mater – might – mecha – merch – merge – merit – meter – methi – metho – metic – metre – metro – micro – mimer – mimic – mirch – mirth – mitch – mitre – miter – mocha – moper – motet – motor – riche – oater – ocher – octet – ogham – ohmic – omega – opepe – opera – optic – orate – ormer – other – pager – pagri – paper – parch – parer – parge – parma – parmo – parti – patch – pater – peart – perch – grata – peter – petit – pichi – picot – piker – piper – pipit – pirog – pitch – pitot – pocho – poker – porch – porte – potch – rager – raita – raper – rarer – rathe – rearm – recta – recto – remap – remit – repat – repot – retch – retia – retro – ricer – right – rigor – riper – roche – roger – romer – roper – rotor – tiger – taiga – taiko – tamer – taper – tapir – targa – targe – tarot – tarte – tater – tecta – tempi – tempo – tempt – terai – terce – terga – tetra – tetri – theme – there – therm – theta – thigh – tiara – tiare – tight – tikia – timer – tirth – titch – tithe – titre – titer – toker – toper – topic – torch – toric – torta – torte – toter – totem – tragi – traik – trait – tramp – trapo – treat – trice – trike – tripe – trite – tromp – trope – troth – arepa – ceric – haoma – hemic – mochi – ocrea – pipet – retag – aeger – agami – aheap – ahigh – aimag – aimer – arith – armer – armet – arter – choco – citer – etrog – gamic – hathi – hiper – hogoh – chiti – kimet – magot – mahem – maiko – maire – margo – marma – maror – moror – mathe – matra – memic – meteg – michi – mirah – mogra – mogar – mohar – moker – mompe – morah – morat – moria – mormo – oarer – ocote – octic – omiai – omrah – opihi – orgia – orgic – ortet – pahit – paipe – pargo – patia – peage – pecia – perai – pirai – perae – pekea – poche – pompa – popia – porer – porge – pokit – porth – potae – potai – potro – ratch – raike – raith – ramet – rater – raiah – recep – recit – recte – reget – regot – regar – remet – rerig – retem – retam – retip – riata – reata – riato – rimer – rithe – roker – titar – titir – tithi – traga – tropo

The following are the 4-letter words.

argh – aero – agar – agog – ahem – aiga – amah – amir – amok – arch – arco – area – areg – aria – atom – atop – atap – rith – cere – cero – cert – chai – chap – char – chat – chic – chip – chit – choc – chop – ciao – cire – cite – coat – coco – coho – coke – coma – come – arte – comp – moto – cope – core – cork – corm – cote – etat – crag – cram – crap – crim – crip – crit – croc – crop – trop – echo – echt – ecig – emic – emir – emit – gate – mere – epic – ergo – etch – etic – gaga – gage – gait – game – gamp – gape – gear – germ – ghat – gimp – girt – giro – gite – goat – gogo – ager – gora – gori – gore – goth – goke – gram – grig – grim – grip – grit – grog – grok – grot – haem – heme – haha – hehe – haik – hair – hame – hapa – hare – hark – harm – hart – hate – hath – heap – hear – heat – hemp – here – herm – hero – high – hike – hire – hoar – hoha – hoho – hoke – hoki – homa – home – homo – hope – hora – imam – impi – toto – itch – item – kept – kemp – kepi – kero – kete – keto – khat – khir – khor – kipa – kirk – kite – kith – koha – kopi – kora – kore – kori – koro – koto – krai – maga – mage – magi – maha – mahi – maim – mama – more – mara – marc – mare – marg – mark – marm – mart – mate – math – meat – mech – mega – meme – memo – merc – meta – mete – meth – mice – mihi – mike – mime – mimi – mire – mirk – miro – mite – moat – moke – moko – momo – mope – mort – mote – moth – oath – oche – ogam – ogre – okra – okta – omer – omit – opah – otic – rima – thai – page – paik – pair – papa – para – pare – pari – park – parm – part – pate – path – pear – peat – pech – pego – peke – pepo – pere – peri – perk – perm – pert – pice – pike – piki – pimp – pipa – pipe – pipi – pirk – pith – pita – poco – pogo – poke – poma – pome – pomo – pomp – pope – popo – pore – pork – port – erat – raga – rage – ragi – etre – ramp – rami – rape – rapt – rara – rare – rark – rata – rate – rath – ream – reap – rear – rego – repo – rete – rice – rich – rime – ripe – rite – roam – roar – roko – romp – rope – rort – rota – rote – roti – hote – thar – tame – tamp – tapa – tape – tara – tare – taro – tart – tata – team – tear – tore – teat – tech – temp – tipi – term – tete – that – them – thot – tiki – time – tire – tich – titi – toco – toga – toke – tome – tope – topi – topo – torc – tori – toro – tort – tote – tram – trap – trek – trem – tret – trig – trim – trip – trog – trot – tike – tiro – cepe – chia – geta – grep – cham – airt – apam – ater – empt – grom – haet – hept – hipe – hogo – hoti – icer – mape – miai – miko – mira – mita – moai – moar – moch – moki – moco – mogo – moge – morg – moha – mogi – mome – mora – mamp – ohia – opto – orch – paho – paip – pape – paep – pame – parc – pata – peag – pect – perc – peto – piai – peai – piat – peko – pira – pito – poge – poag – pogh – poti – pote – raik – rame – rato – rati – reco – roke – roto – tita – tite – tomo – trag

The following are the 3-letter words.

hoc – aga – age – ago – aha – ahi – aim – air – ait – amp – ape – apt – arc – are – ark – arm – art – ate – cep – cha – chi – cig – mer – cog – cop – cor – cot – cri – ear – eat – eco – ego – eke – emo – era – ere – erg – erk – eta – eth – gag – gah – gam – gap – gar – gat – geg – gem – get – got – ghi – gig – git – gip – hah – hae – mai – hag – hai – ham – hap – hat – hem – hep – her – het – hic – him – hip – hit – hog – hok – hom – hop – hot – ice – imp – ire – irk – kea – keg – kep – ket – kia – kip – kit – koa – kop – mag – the – mam – map – mar – mat – mea – met – meg – meh – rea – mho – mic – mim – moa – moc – mog – mom – mop – mor – mot – oar – oat – och – ohm – oho – oke – cit – ope – opt – ora – orc – ore – ort – pah – pap – par – pat – pea – pec – peg – pep – per – pet – pia – pic – pig – pip – pir – pit – pop – pot – tem – rag – rah – rai – ram – rap – rat – rec – reg – rem – rep – ret – ria – rig – rim – rip – roc – rot – tae – tag – tai – tam – tap – tar – tat – tch – tea – tec – teg – tho – tic – tig – tik – tip – tit – tog – tom – top – tor – tot – tra – kir – gai – org – agi – emp – oga – ogi – ogo – omi – opa – opi – ork – pog – poh – rik – roa

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